Jan 31, 2012

Step 3: Building my first Steampunk Helmet: Filling

steampunk helmet with fillerToday I closed most vents and started to give the front of the helmet a smoother surface.
The helmet has dozens of small holes and slots and closing many of them changed much of the helmet´s appearance. The front part looks much wider and heavier without the clone trooper mouth.
Remodeling the visor was more difficult than expected and I will prepare better when working on it next time. I hope to be able to remodel the corners of the visor and form a more diving helmet typical shape. My plan is to take away about 1 inch on the sides of the visor and end up with a semi-circle like shape.

Next, I am going to sandpaper the helmet and see where I need to add more filler.

steampunk helmet with fillersteampunk helmet with filler

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